Single Room H/ERV Applications

Decentralized (also called single room) heat or energy recovery ventilators (H/ERVs), which are usually designed with a capacity of over 3 CFM (1.4 L/s), can improve the air quality in specific indoor spaces. It is probable that most building owners and renters would likely need at least one decentralized H/ERV in their space due to the limitations of conventional centralized systems.


Old buildings that lack a balanced ventilation system or rely on supply- / exhaust-only ventilation units (e.g., whole house or bathroom exhaust fan) are plagued with poor air quality which results in undesirable odors, moisture accumulation, and mould growth. However, full-scale retrofits that can provide adequate ventilation may be financially prohibitive. On the other hand, centralized H/ERVs may not provide sufficient ventilation in modern buildings due to certain factors such as inadequate sizing, flow mal-distribution, flow imbalance, etc. As such, any inadequacy in the ventilation system can lead to high levels of indoor air pollution. Consequently, decentralized H/ERVs have potential applications in old and modern buildings.


Many renters live in old apartments or houses with poor ventilation systems. The lack of fresh air is a serious concern particularly in cold climates where it is difficult or impossible to open the window in the winter. In hot and humid climates, the use of air conditioning may lead to poor indoor air quality if the windows are closed to conserve energy losses.

Our Solution

A common complaint of many owners and renters is that commercial single-room H/ERVs are designed to be installed by drilling into the building envelope which is invasive. AccuraSEE has resolved this challenge by developing portable thermal energy recovery ventilators that can be installed in a non-invasive manner. Our ventilation units are suitable for diverse indoor spaces in a house or apartment including bedrooms, living rooms, recreation rooms, studios, kitchens, bathrooms, utility rooms, offices, and garages. Our products can also be installed in shops, tiny houses, and residential vehicles.

We offer diverse products for a wide range of customers and applications…