Contact Us

#1. Email (all inquiries)

The fastest way to reach us is by email. We endeavour to respond to 99% of inquiries within 30 minutes. So, please do not hesitate to drop a message or inquiry by using our contact form.

Service: 7 days (24 hours).


#2. Phone (non-technical inquiries)

Please request a call back by sending us your phone number.

Service: Monday to Thursday (11:00 AM to 3:00 PM CT).

We offer diverse products for a wide range of customers and applications…

Quick Answers to Your Questions

Our products are handcrafted in our factory. Before assembly, we fabricate and/or machine all custom parts as much as possible whereas standard parts are purchased mostly from Canadian suppliers. If we are unable to source standard parts from within Canada, we first reach out to suppliers in the USA before considering suppliers that are based outside of Canada and the USA.

We hypothesize that the accumulation of moisture is mitigated in our products due to the peculiar characteristics and operating flow rate of the air exchangers. Moisture accumulation has neither been observed nor reported to us, which implies that the moisture in the air stream in an indoor space would be exhausted to the outdoors.

Our products have been installed in diverse climatic zones which includes polar, continental, temperate, and desert regions.

Our products have been shipped to destinations in North America, Europe, and Australia.

Please check if our authorized distributor(s) offer our products locally in your country of residence.

You may also place an order on our website and we will ship the product to your country.

You may contact our authorized distributor(s) if they have products for display.

You may send us an email if you are interested in seeing our products in person and we can advise if our team will be visiting an exhibition or conference near your location. However, we do not have a showroom in our factory location and all purchases from us take place online.

The price gap between the three products is primarily due to their complexity of manufacturing rather than technical performance.

Please review our full list of frequently asked questions for ventilation products here.

Answers to questions that are specific to MAIKRON air purifier can be accessed here.

If you are unable to get a suitable answer through the above links, please kindly contact us.

Please, fill this form!

We are committed to respond to 99% of inquiries in less than 4 hours.
We thoughtfully and personally respond to inquiries. We ensure that our customers receive a personal and dignifying experience right until the product is delivered to them and even beyond...
Please note that product prices are nonnegotiable.

412 44 St E, Saskatoon (North Industrial), CANADA

Products may be shipped via our agent(s) across Canada.